This App
that affect the
quality of your
life, helping you to
improve personally and professionally
Conscious Napping is the perfect blend of art and science, using mindfulness and guided visualization and the latest research in brain neuroplasticity. When you allow your Conscious mind to "nap", or lessen in your awareness, you tap into the subconscious, the most powerful part of your mind. It is here that you discover insights and awareness of the answers and creativity that are naturally yours.
Deepen your resilience and learn to build the intention, perspective, focus, and healthy habits you need to address issues that are a part of everyday life.

- 6 Core Courses
Stress Pain Sleep Weight Smoking and Chewing Cessation
The Course modules are delivered one at a time over 7 to 55 days, focusing on the mental and emotional components of these issues to change perspectives and behaviors.
- 3 Wellbeing Programs
Physical * Financial * Emotional/Mental
These recordings cover a wide range of issues that impact daily life. A few examples: Headaches, procrastination, public speaking, confidence, menopause cooling, teeth grinding, compulsive spending, fear, emotion control, limiting beliefs, and overcoming anxiety.
With more than 110 recordings in the Courses and Wellbeing Programs, there are many ways to improve a variety of aspects in your life!
Listen in English and Spanish.

Awaken Your Potential
Only $49.00
Frequently Asked Questions
How are the recordings delivered?
How long are the recordings?
Can I see a list of wellbeing topics?
Want individualized help?
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